MARIA D’ARIENZO Respect as a tool for dialogue between cultures and religions
MARIO FERRANTE About an interesting interpretation of the “appellatio mere evidenter dilatoria” and the recourse to the warning ex can. 1691, § 1 to safeguard “bonum familiae”
Recalling the events of September 20, 1870, one hundred and fifty years later, the essay notes how history has ultimately sided against Pius IX’s resistance to the annexation of Rome by the Kingdom of Italy, judging it to be incomprehensible and unreasonable. This judgment, however, is devoid of reason, because no State can expect the renunciation of an existing one. This does not, of course, take away from the fact that, in the eyes of history, the end of the temporal power of the Popes has proved to be an advantage for the Holy See and for the Church.
20th of September 1870, annexation of Rome by the Italian Kingdom, resistance from the Papal States, reasonable, advantages for the Holy See and the Catholic Church.