1. Foreword. Migration phenomena and reception policies - 2. The "Zampa Law" on the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors, in the framework of the normative interventions in favour of the so-called "weak subjects" - 3. The main contents of the law. The fundamental rights recognized to foreign minors - 4. (Continued) The right to be heard and the role of the cultural mediator - 5. The new figure of the voluntary guardian.
In migration flows a category of subjects - lone minors - can be identified, which is now a "structural component "11 , and which requires forms of protection suited to the fragility and weakness that characterize their personal condition12. It is understandable, in fact, that a minor, even if close to the age of majority, who is already a subject who has not completed his or her maturation process, is even more exposed and vulnerable when he or she finds himself or herself in a foreign country - of which he or she does not know the language, rules and customs - without having an adult at his or her side who can help him or her in everyday life and guide him or her in growing up: should the law, the State, take action to punish or to help?
Zampa law, minors, immigration, illegal immigrants, cultural identity