Nr. 01/202029. DIRITTO E RELIGIONI the entire issue, 29, N. 1/2020
Nr. 1/2010FLAVIA PETRONCELLI HUBLER Carlo Cardia, La Chiesa tra storia e diritto, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2010, pp. 428.
- Introduction - 2. Theories in favor of maintaining the potestas indirecta in temporalibus - 3. The principle of religious freedom as the central principle of relations between Church and State - 4. Religious freedom and libertas Ecclesiae: the obligation of a distinction - 5. Current affairs of the concordats after the Second Vatican Council - 6. The rights of the person as a qualifying point of Church-State relations - 7. The teaching of John Paul II regarding the centrality of the person - 8. New prospects in the relations between the Church and the political community - 9 Conclusions
State and Church relations - Religious freedom - The Concordats - the teaching of John Paul II - Church and political community