Nr. 1/2014CARMELA VENTRELLA MANCINI Chiesa universale e Chiese sui iuris tra dimensione rituale e unità di fede. Celibato e prassi del sacerdozio uxorato
Nr. 1/2014PASQUALE ANNICCHINO, GABRIELE FATTORI Matrimonio canonico e giurisdizione civile. Evoluzione, involuzione e tribunalizzazione del sistema matrimoniale concordatario in Italia
1. Introduction: the difficult moment of the prison system - 2. The evolution of freedom of worship and spiritual assistance in prison institutions. The r.d. no. 787 of 1931 - 3. The advent of the Constitution and the affirmation of the re-educational principle: the reform of the penitentiary system - 4. Art. 26 of the penitentiary system in force and the relative implementing regulation - 5. Religious freedom and detention regime in the jurisprudence of the ECtHR - 6. The protection of religious freedom of prisoners in the recent jurisprudence of legitimacy.