Nr. 2/2024Canon and Vatican Legislation
Nr. 2/2024Fiscal Jurisprudence and Legislation
- Presentation
- European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, case Ukraine v. Russia (RE Crimea), 25 June 2024. Appeals nos. 20958/14 and 38334/18)
(War - Legality parameter - Religious freedom)
- European Court of Human Rights, Fifth Section, case Loic Le Dall v. France, 12 September 2024. Appeal no. 21655/23
(Conscientious objection - Violation of religious freedom - Violation of the right to assistance)
- European Court of Human Rights, Fifth Section, case Shri Ram Chandra Mission v. France, 12 September 2024. Appeal no. 24477/23
(Religious freedom - New religious movements - Prejudicial declarations)
- European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, case Pindo Mulla vs. Spain, 17 September 2024. Appeal no. 15541/20
(Jehovah's Witnesses - Transfusion - Binding legal effect on advance directives - Oviedo Convention - Decisional guarantee)
- European Court of Human Rights, Fourth Section, case Lindhoml vs. Denmark, 5 November 2024. Appeal no. 25636/22
(Right to health - Self-determination - Public interest - Religious freedom)
- Constitutional Court, sentence no. 107 of 2024
(Inviolable or fundamental rights - Protection - Possible restrictions to protect interests of equal rank, according to criteria of necessity and reasonable proportionality)
- Constitutional Court, sentence no. 135 of 2024
(Inviolable or fundamental rights - In general - Right to life - Top position in the legal system, as its supreme value - Consequent duty for the legal system to provide adequate protection - Limits - Recognition of the right to refuse treatment to the patient capable of make free and informed decisions - Consequent restriction of the area of the continuing ban on aiding suicide - Need for legislative intervention aimed at balancing the right to self-determination with the protection of life)
- Constitutional Court, sentence no. 143 of 2024
(Inviolable or fundamental rights - In general - Gender identity - Protection and recognition - Fundamental right of the person - Possible sex rectification - Conditions - Previous surgery necessary)
- Constitutional Court, sentence no. 148 of 2024
(Social formations - In general - Differences between marriage, civil union and de facto cohabitation or more uxorio - Traceability of the former to the art. 29 of the Constitution and, of the latter, art. 2 of the Constitution - The need to extend the protection and guarantees of the same fundamental rights to every social formation, such as in particular the right to work and fair pay)
- Constitutional Court, sentence no. 182 of 2024
(Exemption from payment of the construction contribution for the first home - Exclusion of de facto cohabitants - Discrimination - Failure to take into account the economic condition of the beneficiaries - Fundamental unreasonableness - Inadmissibility of the question)